Tax on Offshore Workforce impose on US Corporations?
Will New Taxes Be Imposed on US Corporations with an Offshore Workforce?
Will there be a New Tax on Offshore Workforce of US Corporations? Possibly. Many of today’s accountants are not familiar with the tax rules and regulations of owning foreign assets, foreign corporations or foreign bank accounts. Through the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), companies and individuals are required to voluntarily disclose any foreign assets. In addition, if a foreign held account contains more than $10,000, a Schedule B must be prepared at tax time to alert the IRS of its existence. Some people may believe moving money or other assets, like gold and silver, offshore without paying a withholding tax is legal, but it’s not. Do not get caught up in the “offshore strategies” you read about on-line. There are legal ways to create your financial strategy that fits your life goals.
Key Takeaways:
[1:11] What exactly is FACTA and how does it affect foreign banks?
[4:20] US citizens should make their future financial plans while still in the US, before moving to a foreign country.
[5:55] Even Swiss banks had to turn over the names of account holders before voluntary disclosure measures were put in place.
[7:40] Many accountants don’t know foreign account holders must file a Schedule B, if there is more than $10,000 in an account.
[10:08] Morey believes new taxes will be imposed on corporations who move workers offshore.
[11:38] Moving gold and silver offshore without paying the 30% withholding tax is called money laundering and it’s illegal.
[13:50] Protecting your assets should be your primary financial goal.
[16:23] Why it is important to talk to an expert to get the correct information for your personal tax strategy.
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